2017 was a wild, wild ride. She upheaved my career, downgraded my income, and uprooted me from what I long considered my home. She shot me out of my 2-bedroom Brooklyn apartment, through several European hotel rooms, a shared flat in London (and my sister’s couch) and finally onto where I am currently writing this — my parents’ Manila home. As a result, 2017 massively downscaled my possessions and profoundly upgraded my life.
It’s remarkable how the resolve to live simply in a material sense takes over every other aspect of one’s life. After I decluttered my environment, I soon found myself wanting to streamline my routines, my social obligations and my mental meanderings. Here are some of the things I’ve learned about living richly with (much, much, much) less:
1. Forget the fad diets and labels. Eat local. And do as Michael Pollan advises: “Eat food, not too much, mostly plants.”
2. Take advantage of the fact that you’re feeding only yourself. Eat what you want to eat (adhering to #1 above). So, food shop for a maximum of 3 meals ahead. This avoids having to eat (or throw out) something that doesn’t strike your fancy.
3. Make self-care a priority. To live richly, you first need to feel comfortable in your own skin.
4. Keep and buy only what is classic, basic, beautiful. Avoid too much patterns or loud colors.
5. Embrace your inner European and repeat your clothes. If you stick to the basics, no one will be able to tell. And if they do, who cares?
6. Never keep anything you aren’t using “just in case” – just in case you get invited to a costume party, in case it makes a trend comeback, etc. If you don’t see a concrete need for it in the future, throw it out. If, on the off chance, “just in case” happens to be the case, get a new one.
7. Don’t go on a shopping spree “because it’s on sale” or “because we’re in Paris”. Buy only what you need, when you need.
8. When traveling, feel free to go window shopping. It’s a great way to see local design aesthetic and probe local culture. If you fall in love with something you don’t need, take a photo. I promise you, it’ll feel as if you bought it.
9. When choosing between an item you LOVE and a similar one that is “just okay” but 20% the price of the other item, go get what you LOVE.
10. Know the clothes that look good on you. Know the type of fragrances that work for you. Ignore everything that doesn’t.
11. Don’t take the sample perfumes and creams if you have no intention of trying them.
12. If you do try the samples, and you decide you don’t like them, throw the rest away. There’s no point keeping what you don’t like.
13. Buy your beauty items one at a time. It’s worth taking the risk of discontinuity than finding a new scent (or moisturizer or shampoo or [fill in the blank]), and being stuck with bottles and bottles of items you’ve outgrown.
14. Facial wash is facial wash is facial wash. Any drugstore natural brand or mild baby soap will do.
15. Take care of your skin and you won’t need foundation.
16. The best make up is good nutrition, lots of water and 7 hours of sleep.
17. Move your body daily. Even if it’s just 10 sun salutations.
18. You don’t need an expensive gym membership. A yoga mat and decent walking shoes are plenty.
19. Visit your dentist regularly.
20. Get regular massages.
21. Be current with what is going on in your city. See exhibitions, galleries, theater, dance, movies. There is no need to purchase anything in the gift shop.
22. Soak in beautiful interiors. Visit a beautiful restaurant even if it serves mediocre food. Go for a drink.
23. Travel for travel’s sake. Not for shopping.
24. Listen to music regularly. Country music may even surprise you.
25. Read. Keep learning.
26. As much as possible (and it hurts me to say this), avoid buying physical books. Use a Kindle. Or the library.
27. If you live with people, find time to be alone. Even if it means waking up at 4 a.m.
28. Meditate.
29. Dine alone. See a movie alone. Go to an exhibit alone.
30. Take long walks in silence.
31. Time alone prepares you to be fully present with others. When you’re with company, be WITH them. Be interested in them. Be curious about them. Listen.
32. Say NO (nicely and firmly) to social obligations that you don’t want to attend.
33. Unclutter your mind through writing. Write away your agitation and your cogitation. It doesn’t matter where you write them.
34. That said, always have a notebook handy for random thoughts at random hours. Your notes don’t have to be pretty. You don’t have to reread them if not inclined.
35. Stop overthinking decisions. You already know what to do. Make the decision, implement, and move on.
36. Mind your own business and avoid judgements of others. Everyone is entitled to their own happiness.
37. Forgive easily. Let it go.
38. Don’t grasp on to negative feelings. It’s aging.
39. Know what you can control and focus on only that.
40. Know what is enough for you. Have only what you need.
41. Make room for creativity. Contribute a little piece of beauty into this world.
42. Find the humor. Always.
I’d love to hear your thoughts on simplifying your life. . . or on anything really. Please comment in the section below.
Truly profound – thank you for sharing. I am going to try and live by your words. Miss you like crazy – good luck!
aaaw thanks, Anna! miss you, crazy. 😉
Great insights, Ani! Thanks for sharing!
Stay true.
Welcome home 😉
Thanks, Raquel! See you soon!
Ani, this is exactly how I am trying to live my life now (despite noise from 3 kids)! Miss you!
Love and kisses, Sylvie
I feel you, Sylvie. Now that I’m in my parents’ home, I have to learn to live with . . . people! ha! But it can be done! Miss you, too. xoxo
This is wonderful Ani 😊 close your eyes, clear your heart and just let go 💕
Clear your heart! I love that, Lani!
Love all of the above!! Always known you were a wise one! 😉
Thanks, Toni!
Fantastic! Especially #42! Good luck Ani, let the blessings unfold! xox K
Thanks, Karen! xx